Saturday 1 September 2012

Woodland's Adventure Ambassador : Deeya Suzannah Bajaj

Say Hello to Deeya Suzannah Bajaj : Woodland’s Adventure Ambassador!

Deeya is presently pursuing a undergraduate degree at Cornell University, USA. Academically a brilliant student, Deeya is an avid adventurer. Her achievements include:

Deeya is the youngest to have undertaken the Trans Greenland Skiing Expedition in May ‘11. Her 19-day expedition entailed handling temperatures going down to -40° C, unpredictable weather conditions, continuous blizzards and altitude.

In 2008, a 14-year old Deeya got an opportunity to kayak the fjords of Greenland and as per her expedition team members did extremely well during the expedition. Her sea kayaking expedition along the coast of Greenland entailed paddling for over 14 days through fjords that border the second largest ice cap in the world.

Deeya has completed a Basic Mountaineering Course from the Nehru Institute of Mountaineering, Uttarkashi, where she was judged the best trainee. She has trekked extensively in the Himalayas. In June ’12 she successfully climbed Mount Elbrus, the highest mountain in Europe and one of the Seven Summits. She has also hiked to the highest point in Australia, Mount Kosciuszko.

 In June 2011, Deeya did a PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Course, wherein she did five dives including a night dive. She is also a keen white-water kayaker and has kayaked sections of the Ganga river.

Deeya is a keen sports person. She was the swimming team captain of her school, The Shri Ram School, and has represented Haryana in the Nationals. Deeya is also a Taekwondo black belt holder.

Please join us as we cheer Deeya on to seek new adventures!

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