Monday 10 September 2012

Deeya’s Adventure Diaries : Kayaking Expedition in Greenland

Deeya's first expedition ever was a 14-day sea kayaking expedition in Greenland. She was only 14 at that time and was the youngest member on the expedition!

 She remembers one day weather conditions became really unpleasant. There were high waves, rain strong winds pushing the kayak in the opposite direction and salt water constantly in her eyes. There was a point where she just wanted to stop paddling and give up completely. She just couldn’t take it any more.  But she knew that the situation was bad and she had to keep paddling no matter what. And so she stuck on and kept paddling.

She believes it is the ‘Never give in’ attitude that her parents have instilled in her that really allowed her to truly extend her own limits.

Going to places like Greenland has truly made Deeya realise the impact of global warming - and it is scary. She feels that it's something everyone should be aware about and try to make an effort to stop.


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