Thursday 19 January 2012

Why Hiking Boots on a Hike!!!

The idea behind hiking boots is that they afford more ankle protection and foot protection than regular street shoes or running shoes while hiking. Some of that support is simply a product of the design—firm soles offer greater stability and prevent the foot from “rolling over” into a sprain. But most hiking boots also use a tall design and heavy leather material to keep ankles aligned and upright, even on rough trails.
There are several models out in the market, but one should one wear hiking boots which don’t just “support” the ankle but also lock it in place. The ankle should be covered and tied down with hook-and-loop closures.
If you have troublesome ankles that roll over and sprain easily, get an ankle brace to prevent a fall in unstable terrains.
We recommend that people with healthy ankles wear real boots–over-the-ankle, leather boots–because they’ll help prevent injury.

 Happy Hiking!!


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