Monday 29 October 2012

Here's to freedom and seeking new adventures

What do you envision when you hear the word “adventure”?

I think of excitement, challenge, the tricky, the unknown, and probably a little adversity. The thing about adventure is that it gets you out of your comfort zone. And makes you vulnerable. Fact is no matter how carefully you plan, you don’t really know what is actually going to happen. That’s part of the fun - the goosebumps of excitement and anticipation!

Consider the word “vulnerable.” It suggests exposure and opening yourself to possibilities. You have to risk some exposure from time to time. Keeping yourself safe just doesn't have enough room to break out, grow or explore.

'If it scares you, Do it.' I read this somewhere and know it to be absolutely wise advice. Face it. Things will  not always work out as you expect. You might get a little banged up along the way. But in the end, you’ll be a stronger, happier, more confident person. That is what really matters.

It’s the adventures that challenge us, the ones that touch our deepest vulnerabilities and fears that engrave the most indelible marks on us. They also teach us the greatest lessons. Every adventure you venture upon is a golden opportunity to bring out newer nuances of your character. What really happens when the going gets rough? How do you cope with difficulties and obstacles? Would you do differently next time?

You never regret the things you try in life, just the things you don’t. Go ahead and put yourself out there. Try something new. Be scared. Experience fear. Fight your arch enemy.

You will learn that you can achieve more than you thought you ever could. Or maybe not. But gain the satisfaction of having tried.

I am willing to try something new, something adventurous, are you?

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